God and Country


Getting Sentimental

A feature presentation of WOBN, Tom's River , NJ


Ray Norman interview with Vaughn Monroe

August 1, 1970

Ray Norman: Well, Vaughn came in, uh, tonight with some of his new albums, and we're going to give away some of them in a few minutes. Uh, tell us first about, uh, this new album, Vaughn.


Vaughn Monroe: Well, uh, in this particular album, called "Deck of Cards," which is being released now, uh, we do a recitation . . . called "Deck of Cards." And, uh, it's not a new song; it's been done . . . by various people. BUT . . . this recitation to me is one of the . . . the finest things I think I've ever done. Uh, where you tell . . . uh, what . . . is really your feelings. And the deck of cards, when you hear this played, you'll understand what I mean, uh . . . Well, I guess, uh, I should just say, uh . . . you better play it, Ray.


Ray Norman: All right, ladies and gentlemen, here's Vaughn Monroe, and on the Swampfire label--"Deck of Cards."



CLOSING by Ray Norman: Well, I want to thank Mr. Vaughn Monroe for his time. It's always a great pleasure to talk to him, and as I said before, he's a very gracious gentleman, and I'm sure you, uh, could feel that through your speaker tonight.



COMMENTARY by Claire Schwartz: Vaughn seemed to be unusually emotional when speaking about this particular song. As you can tell, he paused often, seeming to search for the right words to express himself. It felt as if he would have liked to go on with further explanation of what the "Deck of Cards" meant to him, but he stopped himself and said essentially, "Just play it, Ray." It is clear that he was rightfully proud of this piece, which is also serves as a personal witness.


It is interesting to note that the Vietnam conflict was the fourth major war with American involvement in Vaughn's lifetime. He was only a child during the First World War, but it is interesting that he records "the old songs" and includes several  popular World War I melodies in his "House Party" album released in 1957. Of course, his recordings of songs penned as a result of World War II are much more remembered and part of his legacy with his Orchestra ("When the Lights Go on Again," "The Shrine of St. Cecelia," "Be Brave, Beloved" to name a few). He had two very upbeat hits during the Korean conflict in "Sound Off" and "Old Soldier's Never Die." Vietnam came late in Vaughn's career, and he responded with "Deck of Cards."