

High School Days - Cudahy, WI

Pat and Dick Longtin contacted the Cudahy Family Library and obtained copies of the the Cudahy High School Yearbook, The Arrow, for the years 1926 and 1927, Vaughn's Freshman and Sophomore years.

Thanks to Michelle Gibbs, Adult & Administrative Services Librarian for the information provided here.

From Cudahy Reminder-Enterprise Newspaper, January 10, 1991:

40 Years Ago (1951)


The name of the city of Cudahy gains some national publicity when American Magazine published an article on the life of Vaughn Monroe, orchestra leader and song stylist, commonly known as the "Mellow Bellow." Monroe played in the Cudahy High School Band during the time his family resided in Cudahy.


The article states "Vaughn's dazzling glow of self-confidence dates back to the year when his family moved to Cudahy, Wis., just as Vaughn was about to enter high school. He found that in Cudahy the school band was bigger than even the football team. He proceeded to make a name for himself, becoming one of the star brass players and at 14, won the State trumpet championship with a soul-stirring rendition of a piece called 'Pearl of the Dream.'"

Freshman Class of 1926


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The first thing of importance in our freshman year was the choosing of our officers. Harry Jeffery was elected president, Vaughn Monroe vice-president, and Milton Ladwig secretary and treasurer.

page 45, The 1926 Arrow

Sophomore Class of 1927

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Those succeeding in the athletic fields  were Harry Jeffery, Frank Kaser, Homer Petri, and Floyd Kulpa; while Milton Ladwig, Althea Walsh, Pearl Kenedy, Wilma Fisher and Vaughn Monroe brought honors to the class in the musical field.

Robin Hood scurries ever onward and forward with Vaughn Monroe as leader, June Weber as assistant, Anna Krajnak as keeper of records, and Miss Windau as supreme arbiter and guide.

page 41, The 1927 Arrow

Class Notes

1926 High School Orchestra - Vaughn in upper right

According to the 1927 edition of the Cudahy High School yearbook, The Arrow, Monroe was a sophomore that year and a member of the high school band (cornet soloist), orchestra, boys' glee club,  volleyball team and track team.

Former classmates recall that he led a small dance band that played for "hops" after basketball games. They remember him as a good scout--he was vice-president of the high school Boy Scout troop.

But the funniest line concerning the famous band leader appears in the senior class will. A senior--who shall remain anonymous for obvious reasons--willed Vaughn his "idea of singing lovely songs." Classmates can't even remember what happened to that senior--but everybody knows what happened to the man who "inherited" his talent--Vaughn Monroe.

Submitted by: Richard & Patricia Longtin