
Cards and Letters from Vaughn


Eileen Havey, president of the National Vaughn Monroe Fan Club since 1942, and her family (sister and mother) enjoyed a  personal relationship with Vaughn Monroe. Here are some of the cards and letters Eileen received from Vaughn as he traveled around the country, while keeping  in touch with Eileen over a span of at least 18 years.



Dear Eileen--

Enjoyed your letter very much and want to say--it is the help of people like you which puts us over. Keep up the good work. I am suffering with tonsilitis now--but hope to be better real soon. My sincere regard to you from Candy, Marian and myself. Vaughn Monroe

Dear Eileen--

It was very nice to hear from you--and rest assured I shall be waiting to see you in Boston. Just come to the stage door and tell the doorman, you have an appointment with me-- Until then. All my sincere regards-- Vaughn Monroe

Dear Eileen--

Got the good news about your impending marriage and I am certainly happy for you and wish you both the greatest of joy and well being for a long time. Unfortunately, I will be out of town August 27th, so will be unable to be present. Will be thinking of you all and know you will make a [undecipherable] bride. My best to your whole family and best of luck to you-- Vaughn

Dear Eileen--

Thanks for your letter--enjoyed it very much. About your Mother and sister. The studio is the Town Theatre at 55th St and Ninth Ave. There are no tickets as we have no audience. Just tell her to ask the doorman to get Stanley Sauter and he will see that they are taken care of. Best regards. Vaughn

Dear Eileen & George,

Greetings from the far north--Merry Xmas and thanks so much for the Birthday greetings. Warm regards. Vaughn.

Submitted by: Eileen Havey